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Are Women More Prone to Headaches Than Men?

At Magnolia Place, the best women’s healthcare practice Greenville NC, we assist in finding the root cause of headaches.

Headaches are a common ailment in American citizens. In fact, about 45 million Americans struggle with headaches a year, and women are three times more likely to get a headache than men. At Magnolia Place, the best women’s healthcare practice Greenville NC has to offer, we are dedicated to the overall health of our patients, including assisting with finding the root cause of headaches and curating a treatment plan for them.  We wish to empower you with knowledge as is the key to all considerations for preventive health.

What Causes Headaches In Women?

One of the reasons women experience headaches more often than their male counterparts is due to hormones and hormone fluctuations, namely estrogen. Women’s hormones oscillate before menstruation, during pregnancy, postpartum, and just before and during menopause, which can result in a headache or migraine. If you notice that migraines or headaches arise during specific times of the month, you can talk with your women’s healthcare Greenville NC provider, such as Magnolia Place, for treatment options that suit your needs.

Other Headache Triggers

Getting your hormone-induced migraines treated with the help of your Greenville women’s care experts is imperative to maintaining overall health and wellness. While hormone levels can have a significant impact on migraines and headaches, there are also other factors that can contribute to their frequency and intensity.

  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Physical exercise
  • Medications
  • Dietary habits and sleeping patterns

Certain contributors, such as not getting enough water, can be adjusted in order to minimize the number of headaches experienced. Your local women’s healthcare Greenville NC provider can suggest lifestyle changes that can assist in lowering your risk for a migraine or a headache.

Magnolia Place | Women’s Healthcare Practice Greenville NC

Magnolia Place is a Greenville women’s care center that is dedicated to supporting the overall health of women. From frequent migraines and headaches to pregnancy and infertility, our staff is here to assist you in feeling happier and healthier in your life as well as reach your goals. If you’re looking to start a new chapter in your health and wellness journey, visit our website and contact us today for more information.