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Are You At Your Boiling Point In Life? Here’s What You Can Do To Help

At the top women’s center of Greenville, we are proud to serve the women of the Pitt County and Greenville communities.

There are times in life when we feel more overwhelmed than others and those tough times require a moment and a method to release the steam that builds when our boiling point is reached. To-do lists can start to feel never-ending and more and more just keeps getting added without much progress. This can lead to burnout and exhaustion. At Magnolia Place, a top women’s healthcare practice Greenville NC, we don’t just dedicate our time to the physical health of our patients, but to their emotional and mental health as well. When you start to feel like your list is just getting bigger, here are a few things to remember.

Take A Step Back

Physically, emotionally, and mentally removing yourself from a situation can allow your brain time to process things and take a break. You can do this by giving yourself time outside, going for a walk, going for a coffee run, or listening to a podcast or your favorite music. Life can be busy, and we might not always have time to take out of the day to remove ourselves from a situation, but it can give your brain time and allow it to even come up with better, more effective solutions to problems that may arise.


While it might seem awkward or strange at first, journaling can actually be a great way to put your feelings into words. This can help with opening up, naming your feelings, and allows you to see what stressors and situations are making you more overwhelmed. If you don’t know where to start, you can begin with a list of the things that are going on in your life, things you’re grateful for, things you did that day or the things you’re feeling. You can also bring your journal with you the next time you visit your women’s healthcare practice Greenville NC, as it can help pinpoint consistent stressors and how they can be addressed in a healthy way.

Get Your Body Moving

Most professionals at a women’s center of Greenville, like Magnolia Place, recommend getting exercise at some point during the day, but it doesn’t always have to be lifting or running. It can also be walking at your lunch break, dancing with your friends, yoga or spin classes, or even cleaning the house can burn calories and help relieve some stress. No matter what you decide to do, moving your body can be very beneficial for all bodily systems.

Make A List of Achievable Goals For The Day

Another thing you can do to help with the feeling of being overwhelmed is to actually make a list of the day’s activities, tasks that need to be done, and tasks that you want to get done. However, it’s important to write down tasks that are actually achievable for the day. For example, cleaning your entire house might be a lot on top of all of the other things that need to get done that day, but one or two rooms are a great place to start. Next time you visit your women’s healthcare practice Greenville NC, you can ask about ideas of things to add to your list and they can help you come up with achievable goals to make your life easier!

Magnolia Place | Women’s Healthcare Practice Greenville NC

At the top women’s center of Greenville, we are proud to serve the women of the Pitt County and Greenville communities. Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, you deserve the best care possible. For more information about our memberships and services, please visit our website.