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Causes of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Females

Chronic pain can disrupt daily life. At Magnolia Place, we will leave no stone unturned in the journey to diagnosing your chronic pelvic pain.

Chronic pelvic pain is a distressing condition characterized by persistent pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis lasting at least six months. This condition affects numerous women and can significantly disrupt their quality of life. At Magnolia Place, ob gyn Greenville NC, we recognize the severity of your pelvic pain, and we are committed to providing a compassionate and supportive environment where you can find the tools and guidance to overcome your discomfort.

Understanding the Causes of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is a complex condition, and each person's experience may differ. For some women, there may be multiple factors contributing to their pain. While pelvic pain can exist as a standalone condition, it can also be a symptom of an underlying issue. You may notice that your pain worsens after prolonged standing or exercise and symptoms improve when you lie down. Chronic pain can have a profound impact on your day-to-day life, making it essential to identify the underlying cause of your pelvic pain in collaboration with your ob gyn in Greenville NC.

Exploring Potential Causes


Endometriosis occurs when the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of it. This displaced tissue responds to hormonal changes throughout your menstrual cycle by thickening, breaking down, and bleeding. However, since this blood has no exit route, it becomes trapped within the lower abdomen, creating painful cysts and scar tissue.


As many as one in five women may experience fibroids in their lifetimes. While some fibroids may not cause any symptoms, you might encounter pelvic cramping during your menstrual cycle, pressure in the lower belly, or pain during intercourse. An ob gyn in Greenville NC can help determine if fibroids contribute to your pelvic pain.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):

PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs. It can lead to abdominal or pelvic pain, fever, unusual discharge, and painful urination. You may also experience pain or bleeding during intercourse or between periods. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your gynecologist Greenville NC.

Musculoskeletal Conditions:

Musculoskeletal conditions, such as pelvic floor, hip, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction, can cause or contribute to pelvic pain in females. Tissues that have been overstretched, torn, weakened, tightened, or injured due to childbirth, surgery, trauma, or injury can result in chronic pelvic pain and spasms in muscles supporting the bladder and uterus, making them tender to the touch and generating pain in other areas such as the abdomen and lower back. Incorrect posture, prolonged sitting and movements can place pressure on and compress pelvic structures, leading to pain and dysfunction in the pelvis.

Discover the Cause of Chronic Pelvic Pain with OB/GYN Greenville NC

At Magnolia Place, the leading ob gyn Greenville NC, we approach chronic pelvic pain with compassion, understanding the unique challenges and concerns our patients face. Our team is committed to understanding every aspect of your journey, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of answers and relief, so you can feel empowered to regain control of your well-being.