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What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Read on to discover more about how you can take control of your urinary incontinence!

Did you know that urinary incontinence can occur at any age? This is a rising health care concern for women of all ages, so we are asking women to speak up and ask why! While it may be a time of uncertainty, there’s no need to be riddled with questions about expectations regarding women’s urinary incontinence and one does not have to live with incontinence. Ladies, we have some many options, and most do not involve surgery! Our team of women's healthcare Greenville NC professionals is here to answer your questions, share our experiences, and provide you with useful resources that will help you navigate this time. No matter the reason for your incontinence, Magnolia Place has developed some tips and tricks to help you navigate the tide of your changing body. Read on to discover more about how you can take control of your urinary incontinence!

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary Incontinence, according to the National Institutes of Health, is the leaking of urine due to the dysfunction of the muscles in and around the bladder. Multiple types of urinary incontinence can change your symptoms depending on the causes of the leakage. Our women's healthcare Greenville NC will share these differences with you, and work with you to determine the best care plan to correct the incompetence!

Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks as a result of pressure being placed on the bladder. Examples of stress incontinence include:

  • laughing
  • lifting heavy objects
  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • exercise

Stress incontinence is the most common urine incontinence type among younger and middle-aged women, affecting an estimated 15 million women in the U.S..

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence is defined by the sudden urge to urinate and the failure to hold the urine long enough before reaching a restroom. This is a “Gotta go” moment for many women. With urge incontinence, our gynecologist in Greenville NC will work with you to identify symptoms and develop a care plan that works best for your busy schedule.

Overflow Incontinence

While men are more likely to develop overflow incontinence, women can struggle with the same symptoms. Overflow incontinence is identified by urinary retention due to a bladder obstruction that causes the bladder to get too full and overflow. If you believe that you are experiencing overflow incontinence, please know that you are not alone! There are treatment options for overflow incontinence, and our women's healthcare Greenville NC office will aid you in finding the most effective care method:

  • catheterization
  • bladder and pelvic floor training
  • medication

Functional Incontinence

Functional incontinence is a common occurrence amongst older generations. This form of incontinence is typically found in older people who have normal bladder control. The problem forms when they have a problem making it to a restroom for relief because of other conditions that make it difficult for motion.

In this instance, our women's health Greenville NC team is here to provide you with resources that can assist your everyday life! Whether that be implementing a non-surgical plan to address one’s incontinence like panty liners, disposable incontinence tampons, medical pessaries (a silicone-grade shaped device one wears like a tampon, several different medication choices, or other forms of light exercise to work your pelvic floor muscles, our team is here to support you.

Magnolia Place | Women's Health Greenville NC

At Magnolia Place, it is our duty and passion to share valuable resources with you regarding women’s health topics. Our women’s healthcare Greenville NC office is a safe space for you to share your troubles, struggles, and successes with us. We are here to uplift you in your healthcare journey, no matter what you may be facing. With our unique membership model, we can provide an expanded scope of practice, meaning that we can care for your needs beyond gynecology in Greenville NC. To learn more about our services, visit our website or give us a call today.